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Which Season Interests You The Most?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:36 pm
by Ptarmigan
Which hurricane season interests you the most.

1780-October of 1780 had three storms that claimed over thousands of lives including the Great 1780 Hurricane that claimed 22,000 to 30,000 lives.
1886-Four hurricanes affected Texas, including three making landfall. Florida was also hit by three hurricanes that year. Also, the year of the Indianola Hurricane.
1887-A very active season like 1933, 1995, and 2005. Probably more active than 2005.
1893-High ACE with just 12 storms. I think 1893 had more storms.
1900-Great Galveston Hurricane
1914-One storm was recorded. Sounds too dubious to me.
1916-Another active season. Probably just as active as 1933 and 2005.
1933-21 storms. Possibly more active than 2005.
1969-Reminds me of 2004 season because there was El Nino, but very active. Produced Camille.
1977-Almost all the basins from Atlantic, East Pacific, West Pacific, and Southern Hemisphere had below average activity for unknown reasons. I am still trying to find out why it was the case. All I know, we just came off of a weak El Nino, but a rather strong Southern Oscilliation.
1979-Super Typhoon Tip and TS Claudette.
1983-Atlantic and West Pacific was inactive, while East Pacific was hyperactive. We came off of a strong El Nino. Also, Hurricane Alicia made landfall.
1988-Hurricane Gilbert. Got me into weather.
1989-First hurricane season I tracked.
1992-Hurricane Andrew.
1997-Quiet in the Atlantic, while Pacific was hyperactive.
1998-Got hit by Charley and Francis. Also, Georges and Mitch were bad.
1999-Texas first major hurricane since Alicia. Also, very active.
2000-Late starter and very active.
2004-Very active in a short time span and late starter.
2005-No explanation needed.
2007-Two Category 5 hurricanes forming within weeks apart and making landfall as Category 5.
2008-6 storms made landfall back to back in one season. Ike came crashing in onto Texas.

Re: Which Season Interests You The Most?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:36 pm
by Paul
2007 with Dean and Felix was impressive...Dean for one, an early riser and stayed south against climo. Had me on edge for awhile...

Re: Which Season Interests You The Most?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:30 pm
by srainhoutx
1961 started my interest in all things weather.
1983 Alicia will never be forgotten in my mind.
1989 Jerry brought an interesting experience. The eye wall and "eye" was a learning experience.
2005 in the Florida Keys. Dennis, Katrina, Rita and Wilma! Enough said.
2008 Ike. We will not soon forget!