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Weather station placement

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:45 am
by danaf12
I am in the process of setting up a new weather station. I will probably be purchasing a Davis Vantage Vue Pro. I am located on the San Leon peninsula. I have a lot of about 3/4 acre with open areas. I know the roof of the house is not the best placement. I would welcome input as to best placement and best heights.

danaf12 in Sunny San Leon

Re: Weather station placement

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:20 am
by wxman57
The roof of the house would be a good place for an anemometer, but not the other instruments. A temperature sensor should be placed away from any heat source (the house, concrete, etc) in a shaded location about 4 ft above the ground. The rain gauge needs to be out in the open away from anything that might shield it.

Unfortunately, the Davis Vantage Vue Wireless (there is no Vantage Vue Pro, there's a Vantage Pro) doesn't give you the option of locating instruments in various locations. With that in mind, you need to decide which is more important, having an accurate wind measurement, temperature measurement, or rainfall measurement. If it's wind, then on the roof. If it's temperature, then in the shade (under a tree) away from the house. If it's rainfall, then on the roof our anywhere out in the open away from any buildings and trees.