Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities

General Weather Discussions and Analysis
Texas Pirate

Wonderful advice for any emergency- communication for those you love
when you are seperated by distance or emergency situations.

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A Hurricane Helpline has been set up for residents Call 1-888-485-1159 for information on sandy preps and the impact.

Search for open shelters by texting: SHELTER + a zip code to 43362 (4FEMA). Example : Shelter 01234 (std rates apply)
Texas Pirate

Thanks for the wonderful information!

There have been problems with sheltering and accessiblity - but there will always be some glitch with this.
Overall, it seems they have done a wonderful job.

God bless them up yonder.
Texas Pirate

If you are a person with a disability living in Manhattan below 39th Street and are both without power and unable to leave your building, and are in need of an accommodation in the form of food delivery, you can contact Christian Valle at the Mayor's Office for People With Disabilities at 646-234-6488 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 646-234-6488 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to request this accommodation. Please note you will have to provide proof of your disability to receive this accommodation.
Texas Pirate

NPR: Talk of the Nation:

How people with disabilities are getting through Sandy:

Please - have a plan y'all

Texas Pirate

So many heartbreaking stories are coming out of NY and NJ
People with disabilities/elderly trapped in their dark apartments: cold and hungry.

Trapped. Because they either had no one to help them PLAN or THEY THEMSELVES didn't
want too - "someone will get me" or "I'll be okay...this won't be that bad." SURPRISE!

How many times have I said "MAKE A PLAN. Contact FRIENDS/FAMILY and tell them you want to stay
with them." Shelters are last resort and sometimes not ACCESSIBLE -both physically or geographically....
and with the population that has been
affected by this storm, sometimes its hard to get to the area that is hit.

Molinaro complained the American Red Cross "is nowhere to be found" — and some residents questioned what they called the lack of a response by government disaster relief agencies
(Staten Island- the forgotten borough)

Although FEMA and RC are doing the best they can - no one seemed PREPARED for this Superstorm.
Dont know why, its been talked about for DAYS

People who hunkered down, are running out of food and water (hmmmm)
There is a gas shortage, so even if people wanted to buy gas for their generators, out of luck
(hmmmm gas can didn't go on the the supply list, huh?)


Look at this equation. Doesn't take a math Ph.D to figure it out, people.

Take this storm as a lesson to plan for yourself. It can and will happen here.

I must add that Texas has one of the better preparedness plan- cuz we're used to it and it has improved over
time and lessons learned. BUT YOU still need to STEP UP.

The NE is up for possibly ANOTHER Nor'easter next week. Not as bad as Sandy, but do they need more rain/snow?
Do they have generators? (no)
Will they freeze? (yes)

If you need help planning, I'm here.
"because you're disabled, you dont have to be a victim" ™
Texas Pirate

For those affected by Sandy:
In the aftermath of #disaster dealing with difficult emotions can be tough, but you are not alone! Call us 24/7 at 1-800-985-5990.

http://www.samhsa.gov/newsroom/advisori ... 11753.aspx
Texas Pirate

Good News:

Where food and water can be gotten in the "blackout" zones in NY

FOOD will be delivered to those who are homebound/disabled and cant get out
via National Guard -
If you know of anyone in this area, please help me get the word out

http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/2012110 ... kout-zones
Texas Pirate

This is a good site for people with disabilities
you can bookmark it

http://usodep.blogs.govdelivery.com/cat ... paredness/
Texas Pirate

Hello Friends,

I hope you are enjoying our most delightful November roller coaster weather. Hot, than cold and everyone is
running around sniffling. Must be fall.

And I'm sure you've all been following the aftermath of disaster - (not talking about the bitter campaign season)
I'm talking about the aftermath of Mother Nature and the destruction that is unfolding in NY/NJ.
A SuperStorm to rival all storms then the one two punch of snow/sleet/rain. You can't write this script
and be believed - it would be like a horror movie. But, sadly it's real and even sadder: They were warned.

While we in the Gulf Coast understand sitting in the dark for weeks and wondering if we will ever see the light again
the majority (hopefully) have generators. BEFORE THE STORM. Especially those WHOSE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Right?
if not, I know of a great Christmas gift to give THOSE YOU LOVE. :D

Watching those up north scream, holler, beg, demand for generators after the storm is a lesson for all of us.
After the storm is NOT the time to get prepared when supplies are limited, patience is wearing thin and lives lost.
Some may not even see power turned on until after Thanksgiving. They are not prepared. The excuse of "Well they aren't
used to this" is a poor one at that. Who is ever used to disaster? You prepare. You hope for the best, plan for the worst.
No matter where you live or what you do. Period.

Some lost their homes and barely got out with their lives.

Everyone took a hit with this storm - sadly from toddlers on up. But it was the elderly and the vulnerable who
took it worse.

Yes, took it worse.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/0 ... 68812.html

This is why I say over and over and over and over again: Prepare NOW. Because anything could and will happen.
Don't be one of those on the news who said "I just didn't know it would be this bad."
If you, or the one you love who is disabled, looses their life, yeah, I would say, it would be a very bad day.

Please, give yourself the gift of preparedness.

AND...I would like to end on an upnote: I am grateful in this season of gratitude to live in a state that truly is preparedness ready. But, its up to us, to step up too.

Prayers up for those who are suffering. I hope they can find relief soon.

"Because your disabled, you dont' have to be a victim"™
Texas Pirate

Hello Everyone,

Today the 14th of November, is
Texas Winter Awareness Day
Good thing too, its a bit brisk out there.

Take a moment to review - from the Houston/GX NWS


Also: for those of you who may have/know people up in the Northeast - there is ANOTHER Nor'easter
headed their way this coming week. :o
They just can't catch a break.

"because you're disabled, you don't have to be a victim"™
Texas Pirate

I'd like to share with you two organizations that are in NY helping the disabled/elderly community
People's Relief and Portlight.

People's Relief has mapped out the buildings that need the most help or those that were trapped
in them - thought this would be of interest

https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=20 ... 4206&msa=0

Also information on People's Relief and Portlight.
According to Reeves Foundation, the situation for the disability/elderly community is worse than reported
(geez how did the media miss that?) :o

http://www.spinalcordinjury-paralysis.o ... ney-island

Again, do you have a plan?
"because you're disabled, you dont have to be a victim" ™
Texas Pirate

Hello Everyone

This weather is something to be grateful for- our friends in the NE are still trying to deal with Sandy
and the aftermath. Some towns are even wondering if they can rebuild, the destruction is that bad.

As I have been saying in previous posts, the disabled community have basically been left to die.
Poorly prepared, with little help from the city or FEMA, they were just left to their own devices.
And, they themselves had NO PLAN OF ACTION>

I urge you to read the following article.

Get mad, Get a plan.

http://www.amny.com/urbanite-1.812039/d ... -1.4244571

Exerpt from article:

During disasters like Hurricane Sandy, "disabled people are really left to die. . . .It's really survival of the fittest," said Reginald Ragland, 59, who relies on a power wheelchair and is still living in a Middle Village nursing home while he waits for heat and hot water to be restored in his NYCHA apartment in Far Rockaway.

There's no official count of disabled people who died in the latest storm, but their stories are prominent in the news: John Paterno, 65, a legally blind man with cerebral palsy who was partially paralyzed, drowned in his Midland Beach home. Family members watched helplessly as Herminia St. John, 75, perished in her Gramercy Park apartment when the power outage stopped her oxygen machine.

Please make a plan. Please think: where would I go? what would I take? Dont end up being a stat. If they would even bother getting a stat.....just sayin. :o

Like to end on an up note: I wish you all a most bountiful Thanksgiving - giving thanks we live in Texas.
Giving thanks for being allowed to have this blog, I hope it has helped. Thanks KHOU and wonderful weather people here.

Here's to a most excellent Thanksgiving ..wx will be glorious... and please keep those who will not have their family/home or loved ones around due to Sandy, in your prayers. Also, the responders who are away from their families this Thanksgiving.

"because you're disabled, you dont have to be a victim." ™
Texas Pirate

Hello Everyone- been a while since I posted - hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving.
Now we're moving into the holiday season and WOW- we had "winter" this week
complete with freezing temps...anyone missing their flip flops yet? I am.

WIth our homes all bright and beautiful with the season upon us, I'd like to pass along some tips
to stay safe. With live Christmas trees, candles, lights and space heaters - some of this could
add up to fire hazards - sorry to be the grinch. :mrgreen:
Preparedness isn't just for cane season!

Here are some tips:

Please make sure your live Christmas Trees are watered throughout the holidays.
A dry Christmas tree is a disaster waiting to happen - only takes seconds to spread
and pretty soon - your home is all a blaze. I saw this plenty of times while running
fires with the RC in the bay area. WATER THAT TREE and keep candles away from them.

Make sure that if you do have candles - it's out of reach of young children.

Space heaters need to be watched also. They have a tendency to fall over and there goes your home.

Here is some tips from the City of Galveston:
(Excerpt from press release on a house fire with one fatality - however the info below is
important to share with our senior citizens and those who disabilties)

Galveston Fire Department Reminds Residents of Winter Fire Safety Guidelines

“As colder weather arrives, we remind residents to check their smoke detectors and be aware of fire hazards in their home,” stated Assistant Fire Chief Mike Wisko. “The presence of Christmas trees, interior and exterior lights, and space heaters all present fire safety issues in the home and we encourage residents to take extra precautions.”

Proper watering of real trees, unplugging lights and checking smoke detectors regularly are all steps that should be taken during the holiday season. Galveston Fire Department also offers a “Senior Smoke Busters” program, supplying senior island residents with free smoke detectors for their homes. Residents can contact (409) 797-3870 for additional information on this program.
“Space heaters are often to blame for residential fires and pose an obvious safety risk in a home,” Wisko concluded. “If they are the only means for heat in the home, make sure they are clear from combustible materials and have a front cover to reduce the risk of burn injury. Galveston Fire Department wants all island residents to be safe this holiday season.”


Enjoy the Season - check up on those who may need help - Spread the love, not the fires.

"because you're disabled, you don't have to be a victim." ™
Last edited by Texas Pirate on Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Texas Pirate

Hello Everyone

Just dropped by to wish everyone a most lovely HOLIDAY SEASON and inclusive 2013 :mrgreen:

Be safe~Have Fun~Peace.
Posts: 109
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:50 pm

Happy Holidays to you, Texas Pirate. Thanks for raising weather preparedness for the for the elderly, disabled community.

I raise my glass of eggnog to you! :)
Texas Pirate

Thank you Storm rider - a clink of the grog to ye also...

Friends, as we get ready to celebrate all that we are grateful for
with family & friends. I urge you keep an eye on the weather:
Christmas Eve into Christmas morn: it could get nasty.

So we all may have to have our NOAA WX RADIOS on....
and hope SANTA has an umbrella.

Please read and pass this along to anyone you feel may need to know
to keep safe - lets care for each other:

Potential severe weather event on Christmas day...

A stalled frontal boundary is expected to slowly move north
across southeast Texas Monday night as a warm front. A strong
upper level storm system is also expected to move into Texas
Monday night and Tuesday morning. The airmass along and south of
the warm front is expected to be moist and unstable. Thunderstorms
are expected to develop in this airmass during the morning hours
of Christmas day. Given the strong wind shear with the upper level
system... organized thunderstorms that could produce tornadoes will
be possible. The main uncertainty with this system will be how
much instability develops and how far north the warm front pushes
in the morning hours. Dry air from the west may also push the
activity east during the late morning hours.

Still there are enough conditions working together to increase
the threat for severe weather on Christmas day. The main threat
exists from the Houston area northward to a College Station to
Lufkin line although coastal areas cannot be ruled out. The main
time frame for severe weather will be from about 3 am to noon on
Christmas day. Residents of southeast Texas are encouraged to
monitor forecasts for updates and to be prepared for the
possibility of severe weather.

"Because you're disabled, you don't have to be a victim."™
Texas Pirate

Hello Friends

Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful SAFE 2013.
We got some rainy weather in our forecast - a true gift from Mother Nature.
But, it will come New Years Eve when we are out and about.
Please be safe.

With the new year upon the horizon, make the resolution to have
This is a good time to either start one (I can help) or go over the
plans you've made and tweek them. There is some good information on
this forum (hope i provided some) to keep you and yours as safe as possible.

Remember: NO plan leads to panic. And panicing can cause serious injuries to you
or loved ones with a disability.
PLAN today (I'll jump start your thinking plan)
Ask yourself (or if you're planning for someone with a disability:)

Where will we go?
Who will we stay with (if you MUST evacuate i.e. depend on electricity for LIFE)
What will we bring
How will we get there

If you need to get to a shelter
Do you know where your hub is, to get on a bus for evaucation?
Do you have the number to your local Emergency Managers Office?
Are you registered?
Do you know what to bring?
Do you have your important papers in one place?
Meds and Scripts?
Other neccesities to keep you ALIVE?
You have to also think of your service dogs too :D

If you can "hunker at home"
Do I have a generator?
Do I have sufficient food/water to sustain?
Do I have my meds
Do I have cash (remember ATM could be down)
NOAA WX RADIO and batteries?

Lets start out the year prepared. For any emergency.
And pretty soon when cane season rolls around again - this will be a snap.
Cuz you've made the resolution to stay safe. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Have fun/be safe/Here's to an inclusive (NO CANE!) 2013

As always,
"because you're disabled, you don't have to be a victim." ™
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As always thanks for so much helpful information. I know the many viewers we get her are also very thankful for all the information you provide Texas Pirate!
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Texas Pirate

Thank you, Andrew. I appreciate it.

Well here we are 2013! Just got back from a couple of days in the beautiful hill country.
I guess I am getting back before the snow that they are predicting will fall there.

Speaking of wintery wx - we may see some sleet/winter mix coming up Thursday night/Friday!
Oh for the days of humidity and temps in the 90's - anyone? anyone? 8-)

Be safe -stay warm-if you use a heater of any kind, make sure you don't leave it unattended,
they can fall over.

Oh June where are you? :D

"because you're disabled, you don't have to be a victim."
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